


1. 江南水乡SPA:融合了江南水乡的优雅与舒缓的按摩疗法,以柔和的手法和精油,帮助您缓解疲劳、舒缓肌肉紧张,感受江南水乡的宁静与美丽。

2. 精油按摩:选用高品质的精油,通过按摩师专业的手法,将精油渗透至肌肤深层,帮助您舒缓压力、放松身心。

3. 中医按摩:运用中医理论,针对头部、颈部、背部、腰部等部位进行按摩,达到疏通经络、运行气血、平衡阴阳的效果。

4. 足部按摩:通过对足部的按摩,刺激穴位,调节全身气血,缓解疲劳、改善睡眠。


1. 上门按摩:无需出门,即可享受专业按摩师带来的服务,为忙碌的您节省宝贵时间。

2. 泡脚:选用天然草本植物,为您的双脚带来一场舒适的泡脚之旅,缓解疲劳、舒缓肌肉。

3. 搓背:专业搓背师为您搓去一身的疲惫,让您感受到全身的轻松与舒适。

4. 面部护理:采用专业面部护理产品,为您的面部肌肤提供深层滋养,恢复肌肤光泽。

5. 身体护理:选用天然植物成分,为您的身体提供全方位的呵护,提升肌肤质感。

















1. 桑拿技艺展示:活动现场,各家企业纷纷展示出独具特色的桑拿技艺,如杭州的“杭式桑拿”、四川的“川式桑拿”等。观众在欣赏技艺的同时,也能感受到不同地域文化的魅力。

2. 桑拿美食:活动现场,各家企业还推出了特色桑拿美食,如杭州的“桑拿鸡”、“桑拿鱼”等。这些美食不仅美味可口,而且富含营养,让人在享受桑拿的同时,也能大快朵颐。

3. 文化体验:活动现场还设置了文化体验区,让游客在感受桑拿的同时,了解杭州的历史文化。如参观“南宋御街”、品尝“龙井茶”等,让游客在休闲中感受杭州的文化底蕴。











1. 干蒸:利用高温蒸汽对人体进行深度清洁,促进血液循环,增强免疫力。

2. 湿蒸:通过高温湿气对人体进行养生,有利于缓解肌肉酸痛、改善皮肤状况。

3. 盐蒸:利用盐的热度促进血液循环,同时盐的渗透作用可以消除体内毒素,改善呼吸道疾病。

4. 玉蒸:采用天然玉石作为加热材料,具有清热解毒、祛湿止痛的功效。



1. 官方网站预订:登录杭州湾海底温泉官方网站,根据提示进行在线预订。

2. 电话预订:拨打杭州湾海底温泉预订电话(电话号码:0574-88668888),工作人员将为您详细介绍桑拿服务及预订流程。

3. 微信预订:关注杭州湾海底温泉官方微信公众号,点击“在线预订”进行操作。




1. 自驾:从宁波出发,沿宁波绕城高速至杭州湾大桥,再沿G15沈海高速行驶至慈溪出口,沿指示牌行驶约10分钟即到。

2. 公共交通:乘坐宁波地铁2号线至宁波站,转乘公交521路至杭州湾大桥南,再换乘公交慈溪10路至杭州湾世纪城站下车。









1. 干蒸:干蒸是一种高温、高湿的桑拿方式,有助于扩张毛孔,促进血液循环,排出体内毒素。在干蒸房内,你可以感受到热度逐渐升高,全身的肌肉得到放松,仿佛置身于蒸桑拿的海洋中。

2. 湿蒸:湿蒸是一种在蒸汽中进行的桑拿方式,通过高温蒸汽的蒸发,使皮肤表面温度升高,从而加速新陈代谢,提高免疫力。在湿蒸房内,你可以听到水珠滴落在石板上的声音,感受到蒸汽的柔和与温暖。

3. 桑拿石板:桑拿石板是一种传统的桑拿方式,通过高温石板的辐射,使人体表面温度升高,从而达到养生保健的效果。在桑拿石板房内,你可以选择不同的座位,享受舒适的石板辐射。

4. 休息区:休息区设有舒适的沙发、茶几和电视,供顾客在桑拿过程中休息。在这里,你可以与朋友聊天、喝茶,享受片刻的宁静。

5. 茶室:茶室提供各种茶叶,供顾客在桑拿过程中品尝。茶叶具有清热解毒、提神醒脑的功效,与桑拿相结合,更能达到养生保健的效果。

6. 按摩室:按摩室提供专业的按摩服务,帮助顾客缓解疲劳、舒缓肌肉。在按摩过程中,你可以尽情享受专业按摩师的手法,让身心得到彻底的放松。



1. 拔罐:拔罐是一种通过在皮肤上产生负压,使局部皮肤充血、肿胀,从而达到舒筋活络、缓解疼痛的效果。在拔罐过程中,你可以感受到拔罐师的手法熟练,效果显著。

2. 刮痧:刮痧是一种通过刮痧板在皮肤上刮拭,使局部皮肤出现红色痕迹,从而促进血液循环、缓解疲劳的方法。在刮痧过程中,你可以感受到刮痧师的手法轻柔,效果明显。

3. 足浴:足浴是一种通过泡脚、按摩脚部穴位,达到养生保健的目的。在足浴过程中,你可以感受到水温适宜,按摩手法专业,让脚部得到彻底的放松。



"Four seats are not enough, but five seats are enough."

Su Mo sounded again.
Chapter three thousand and thirty Break
Next to the four small caves, the virtual collapse again
The fifth cave is revealed!
Yin and yang cave!
The genius in the fifth small hole has just revealed a virtual shadow, and the ordinary king around him has been unable to support the collapse of his flesh and blood dripping.
When the cave of Yin and Yang is fully manifested, the cave of four peerless kings will also collapse directly!
Were it not for the two peak kings, the Red Sea Monkey King and the Mad Monkey King, dzogchen Cave, who resisted most of the five small caves, these ordinary kings of the Equus would immediately be shocked to death by Sumo Cave Tianli!
Around Su Mo, there are five small caves, and all kinds of visions are manifested. The Taoist runes are dazzling and imposing, like gods!
Eleven ordinary kings of the Equus have completely collapsed and fought again.
Stay here for one more breath and their injuries will increase by one point!
Eleven ordinary kings of the Equus gave a cry, looked scared and dragged their seriously injured bodies towards the original road and fled.
"Don’t escape!"
The Red Sea Monkey King thundered.
But life togeher who also care about others?
In fact, not only eleven ordinary kings, but also himself, gave up.
Five small caves have emerged, and dzogchen, the monkey king of Mad, has shown signs of collapse.
He won’t last long!
The four peerless kings of the Equus are also shaken and ready to pull out.
Just then, at the end of Dengtian Road, there suddenly came a deafening drink, sending out a monstrous fighting spirit and soaring into the sky!
Sue ink finally put on a smile when she heard the sound.
The monkey is out!
See that thick huge warrior soldier suddenly fly out of a tall and burly figure, with lotus flower in his eyes, striding across Su Mo and others to escape, and eleven Macaque kings came after him.
Monkeys are very clever.
With the support of the Great Warrior and the fusion of the four major veins, the realm of his cultivation has also broken through to the perfection of the empty period!
It’s a step away from the cave.
But after all, it is still a true spirit, and there is almost no chance of winning against the peerless king and the peak king.
What’s worse, Su Mo has the wind. All he has to do is stay and escape eleven ordinary kings!
In fact, Su Mo is planning to slay the Red Sea Monkey King and others, and at the same time release the six gods to hunt down the remaining eleven horse monkey kings.
But when he saw the monkey break out, he didn’t offer any other means.
It’s not that he intends to leave his hand, but that the monkey has suppressed too much anger in his heart for many years. It’s that the root of the blood monkey family killed a horse monkey family and didn’t get vent.
Now, the monkey has been inherited by the emperor and merged with four kinds of blood. The surge in combat power just happened to take the escape of eleven horse monkey kings to vent and try their combat power.
If the monkey is in distress, he will come to help again.
Although the road to Dengtian is wide, after all, there is no other direction, no fork in the road and no place to hide.
Seeing the monkey falling from the sky with his eyes wide open, a statue of spirit of war suddenly rose as high as a thousand feet. He raised his feet and stomped on it!
The two horsemonkey kings who were running away suddenly felt black consciousness at the moment and looked up to see a large shadow covering the sky!
Two people mind vibration set up arms to raise my hand against.
Boom Boom

The python is still hiding in the dark.

It’s not easy for Mo Qingqing to leave without it.
It wasn’t long before a group of people covered in sewage came out of the cracks in the collapsed garage.
When the woman came out, she saw Mo Qingqing sitting there facing the strong wind, holding the bar, and then asked angrily, "You … why are you still there?"
Mo Qingqing winked and pointed to the snake around her and said, "I think python meat is definitely better than snake meat. I’ll order python meat after the fight." She clapped her hands and said, "I applauded you."
The woman was so angry that she pointed her teeth at Mo Qingqing and scolded "You are crazy!" Then he looked at Mo Qingqing with suspicious eyes and asked, "How do you … know that there are different pythons coming out on the second floor?"
Mo Qingqing pointed to his eyes and said, "Have you seen my eyes? Mutated vision and hearing have become better. "
The woman nodded and asked her again, "Are you interested in joining my team?"
Mo Qingqing quickly picked up his own snake, shouldered it on his shoulder and turned to leave.
The woman called to her, "Hey, what’s your name?"
Mo Qingqing opened her mouth and just wanted to give her name, then she thought about it. What if she thinks I’m great and knows my name and finds out that my place is pestering me? I should give myself a cool nickname for being so powerful. She immediately waved her hand and said, "Please call me God of War!" "
The woman looked at the baby python Mo Qingqing on her shoulder for a long time. God of War has something to do and needs to come out to find a bargain. She doesn’t know whether this bald girl is really busy or stupid, but it’s true that she is a little neurotic.
MoQingQing carrying baby pythons back to mutant hotel to change supplies first.
The baby pythons carried back have more than 400 kilograms of scales that are not strong enough and bones that are not hard enough. There is no other way but to pick the meat and cook it, so the price is so cheap that even a decent weapon can’t be changed.
She changed what she needed that day, and she got a backpack, some women’s clothes, two lighters, several bottles of drinking water and cooked food.
She hesitated when she saw a menstruation towel when she was shopping. It is reasonable to say that this period should have visited, but she didn’t move at all. She said to herself, "It won’t change. The physiological structure has changed. Is that relative not coming?" If you don’t come, you won’t come. She also saved the menstruation towel. If you don’t come, she will be naked. The blood will flow all the way down her leg … I can’t bear to look straight.
Mo Qingqing spent 50 Jin of food to live in a luxurious hotel.
Luxurious and very spacious, with soft sofas, beautiful tables and chairs, independent hygiene and two barrels of clean water in the big white bucket. The only fly in the ointment is that the window is sealed and only one person is allowed to enter and leave the small window. The thick steel bar of the thumb is welded to security window. Fortunately, the stopcock is estimated to be convenient to escape when it is dangerous.
There is a window without an exhaust fan and a tone, so the air can’t circulate. Besides, nowadays, water is precious and unwashed, and the smell of smoke and sweat is very unpleasant.
However, instead of sleeping in the damp ruins, she was still satisfied with sleeping in a comfortable big bed
Mo Qingqing finally ate a hot cooked food and was moved to tears. Meat is stew, and firewood is expensive now. It is not easy for wild animals to stew. One hundred kilograms of meat can be exchanged for ten kilograms of stew. She now has a huge appetite and ten kilograms of meat is half full. She estimates that her gastric juice is very strong and the meat will be digested when it enters her stomach, otherwise ten kilograms of meat will burst her stomach.
She washed a bucket of water, took a bath and bought new clothes. She felt refreshed, blew out the candles and lay down in bed to sleep.
It’s very noisy in the hotel. It’s a good thing that she is used to the neighbors in the building. Those "neighbors" are more noisy than wild insects and plants. For a while, "ahhh" for a while, "uh-huh" for a while, they scream and scream, and they beat people and beg to be beaten. All kinds of sounds are mixed together. Mo Qingqing feels that there is a row of "dirty …" floating back and forth in front of her eyes. She has good hearing and five senses. The movements in the building can be clearly heard, and those people can clearly feel their heartbeat.
These days, she has cultivated the habit of catching little monsters every night and going out at night, and now she has no sleep at all.
She tossed and turned and couldn’t sleep, and the more she slept, the more energetic she became. When she heard that the wind had stopped outside, she simply got up and packed her back and wrapped her old, dirty hide building.
Bing saw that some hunting party members were dressed up, and the hunters with weapons came from the building as if they were going out to hunt.
She can tell from their heartbeats that these people are actually quite strong, and those people with very strong hearts she met in the trading hall over there have all gone downstairs.
Because people get together, the distance is not very obvious. Mo Qingqing is not sure whether they belong to two groups or three groups, but it can be seen that they are not very good and ignore each other. They come from the building and look straight away from her.
Mo Qingqing knows that they can have such strength, either by catching a lot of wild animals’ hearts or by catching monsters and eating crystals like her. As far as the current situation is concerned, the fastest way to increase strength is to catch small monsters, and the crystals in the hearts are too small to be divided. In fact, everyone needs a lot of small monsters to improve their strength. It is in a very fierce competition.
When she went out behind them, she saw that more than twenty people were divided into three groups and headed in different directions. However, one group was heading due south, one was heading southwest, and the other group was heading southeast. Those three directions were all in a densely populated city, except that one side. If Mo Qingqing wanted to go in the direction of Bailing, there would be a situation of robbing the little monster with them. She came from the direction of Bailing, and it was clear that there was no living thing there. Today, I saw that the little monster fled in the direction of the city.
Generally speaking, most people in the city still have less blue liquid in their hearts than wild animals, and there are fewer crystals in their hearts. Now the small monsters prey on wild animals. They are most likely to go to the places where wild animals gather in the city, just as she met the snake nest today. With this analysis, Mo Qingqing had a goal and turned to walk towards the city. She took a few steps and suddenly remembered that she might not come back and went back to the hotel to find the counter. The attendant asked them about the wind. She turned the wind and their appearance characteristics. The member looked at her blankly and shook her head. She asked again, "Then do you know that Bailing District has been evacuated
Member still shook his head.
Mo Qingqing looked at her suspiciously and said, "This road is on the side of the main road. You should be able to see it when the troops withdraw, right?"

However, before rushing home, Wang Qiushan didn’t know that once he came back, it would be equivalent to being under house arrest and never going back. Maybe after a long time, he could come out and scamper.

But do you know that at that time, Yang Guang might have been a small "war of arms"?
Maybe you still have to be retaliated, with your tail between your legs, which involves the Wangs.
On the other side, what is Yang Guang going to do after solving Zhang Xiaoyu’s troubles?
In fact, he made up his mind to try two primary techniques before.
That is, alchemy and refining. If you want to make an alchemy and refining, you have to find a suitable place. When modern technology is combined with martial arts, you don’t need the so-called natural fire refining, but it’s not high temperature.
High-temperature alchemists, but the quality will be much worse, which will lead to the explosion furnace becoming waste Dan waste devices. The more advanced, the more stringent the requirements.
Otherwise, what is the difference between the same Dan medicine? Isn’t it because the quality of Yindan is very different? This may be related to the quality of medicinal materials and the master trainer.
The higher the level of an alchemist, the higher the success rate and the higher the quality.
There are not many places suitable for alchemy in the whole province of Shu, but there are several places in Hongcheng.
No matter how you say it, Hongcheng can be regarded as the core of budo in the whole province of Shu. In some respects, compared with the provincial capital, Rongcheng, it is not too much to make it better.
Looking for Wan Tao dialect for such a thing is equivalent to killing the chicken and killing the ox. Looking for words can also get things done properly
After all, he is the logistics manager of Hongcheng fighters Association.
It’s logistics, but it’s not small
The so-called big things, Wan Tao, and several high-level officials are in charge of small things
It’s a trivial matter.
So Yang Guang called directly.
"Uncle, I want a’ fire room’ to try an alchemy." The high-tech alchemy room is not a real fire room, but it is called a little antique in ancient times.
But in fact, different places and people have different names.
Is not unity.
Just like a language, Mandarin is a universal language, but it is impossible to make dialects disappear completely, right?
In addition, on the issue of the term "uncle"
After all, Yang Guang was in charge of the martial arts association, but since Yang Guang came back from the western fantasy world, especially before, he said jokingly that he took advantage of Yang Guangyi as a "good nephew."
Yang guang for these nice people will naturally give face.
Uncle called.
Yang guang is very clear that this is the other party playing well with himself, but he tastes otherwise. He won’t think that he can be a natural enemy after he owns the golden finger, so he can see that those fighting capacities are not as good as one of his own.
Yes, he can be detached, but the question is, what about his parents and family? Yang Guang is not one of those people who is bent on cutting off worldly desires from Tao.
This maintenance is mutual greed for returns, and it can’t last long without paying.
Even in the whole Hongcheng Wushu Association, it is said that it is good with Yang Guang, that is, a few people used to be the squad leader Li Jinbao and Qin Hai, the dean of the Admissions Office of Shuzhong Wushu University, which are considered as primary warfare.
In addition, that’s it. At most, others just nod and have trouble with him.
"How did you think of going to the fire room for an alchemist? That thing can’t be refined. "After hearing Yang Guang’s words, I asked with a hint of doubt.
Chapter three hundred and four Asking about the fire room
That’s not a shot in the arm.
If alchemy were that simple, the status of an alchemist would not be particularly high.
His logistics supervisor naturally owns the fire room of Hongcheng Wushu Association, and the fire room is usually free, but the problem is that the access threshold for alchemy is very high.
It’s not easy to be an alchemist, and there are certain restrictions on the realm of martial arts, that is, you have to be a military commander, and you have to be a military commander to wrap the medicinal properties so as not to lose too much.
Otherwise, even if the refining of Dan medicine is successful, the medicinal properties of Bhutan medicine are certain, and it is not enough to say a word about waste Dan.
Maybe it can be called "pharmacist" instead of the so-called alchemist. For example, it can be used to prepare essence and nourishing blood soup, which is the pharmacist’s collar.
At the beginning, Li Jinbao could also prepare nourishing blood soup, but the efficacy was different.

"Congratulations to the ninth brother, there is a place in Yaochi with a golden shield." Princess Kunyi congratulated me with joy. When I stepped on the Taoist temple earlier, the other foot landed less than five miles from here. They naturally knew I was coming.

"Take the wind to kotow" I rushed Princess Kunyi to kotow in return. My eyes glanced at Wen Xiaofeng and Wen Feng Xiao sitting in another cave. Although the breath fluctuated violently, they didn’t come out of the hole to greet me. It seems that they were really angry with me.
"I’m grounded by the master, and I’m forbidden to go out to meet my ninth brother. Don’t blame it." Princess Kunyi saw that my eyes were always in Wen Xiaofeng’s body, and she quickly explained that she called Wen Xiaofeng outside, saying that the two of them already had husband and wife names.
"Brother" Princess Kunyi said that I didn’t know that Wen Xiaofeng wasn’t angry with me, but he suffered from being banned by the three saints. Don’t ask, don’t know, Princess Kunyi will find a door to provoke the three saints to fly into a rage, so she drove Wen Xiaofeng out here. The three saints generally made their faces think about the brother who made a mistake, but such a situation never happened.
Wen Xiaofeng turned his head carefully when he heard my cry, and I couldn’t help smiling because of his frightened expression.
"Elder brother" I smiled and rushed WenXiaoFeng again with the wave.
"Master didn’t come?" Wen Xiaofeng has a small mouth.
"No" I greeted him a few steps ago.
Wen Xiaofeng said that he was no longer grounded in any side wall, and quickly got up and greeted me. The two brothers were delighted to meet again.
"Nine younger brother, you proved the avenue so soon?" Wenxiaofeng stretched out his hand and pulled me into the cave and sat on the floor.
"Lv Chunyang presented a plant of Penglai Jinzhi to lead Samadhi to refine the aura so that I can temporarily hold Jin Xianxiu." I naturally don’t need to hide when I talk to Wen Xiaofeng.
"He’s a Taoist immortal, and you’re a monk. He’s a gift?" Wenxiaofeng asked doubtfully.
"Today, the world values Buddhism over Taoism, and the three religions are Chinese orthodoxy, but they are forced to live in pure sunshine by barbarian sects in order to challenge Buddhism and promote Taoism and revitalize the prestige." I answered in words.
"It’s so good that you can go to Jiuhua Mountain for a snow day." Wen Xiaofeng was pregnant.
"I also have this plan. At the moment, I have led my fellow students to drive the mountain and declare war on it an hour later." I nodded heavily.
"Avenue Jinxian colorful Buddha spirit is equal to each other. You need to be humble and don’t underestimate your enemy." Wen Xiaofeng told me that I looked cold and worried.
"Elder brother rest assured that I will be cautious" I nodded.
"As the saying goes, it’s a pity that my brothers are United in their interests, but I can’t do anything even if I make suggestions." Wen Xiaofeng shook his head and sighed.
"When did you and my brother become so stranger?" I frown and hope that Wen Xiaofeng and I are unusual. At ordinary times, we rarely say anything polite about how Wen Xiaofeng treated me. I naturally know in my heart that he accompanied me to Jiuhuashan to fight against the enemy before he died. At the last moment, I did not watch the crane in Ziyang, but died in Jiuhuashan. I will always remember this kindness.
Wen Xiaofeng smiled and raised my hand. I raised my hand in response to the two people’s high-fives and smiled tacitly.
"Thank you, Sister-in-law." Princess Kunyi brought me two cups of tea. I thanked her and took it, but I didn’t drink it. I’m a fairy now. Naturally, I can’t drink tea here. Even if it’s outside food, I need a fairy to eat. It’s not a rumor.
"Brother, if you thank me?" I smiled at Princess Kunyi and Wen Xiaofeng.
"I was punished by the master for a hundred years because of you. Do you want my brother to thank you?" Wen Xiaofeng turned his head at the cave and made signal with the lips. The Three Sages have a habit, that is, when punishing his brother, he always faces the wall for a hundred years. He has said that he is used to saying that every time. In fact, it doesn’t necessarily mean that he will let his brother stay in the cave for a hundred years. He will naturally let his brother out when he is angry. The only exception is that Huang Suifeng stole the bamboo and was sent back. Huang Suifeng was so humiliated that the Three Sages didn’t let him out until he died.
"What’s the harm if you have a daughter like sister-in-law who often accompanies the blessed land for thousands of years?" I smiled at Princess Kunyi, the luckiest woman, and now she is the luckiest Wen Xiaofeng. This big wave has no place to run this time.
"Thank you, Nine Brothers." Princess Kunyi bowed down shyly, smiled at me and raised her hand with a gift. Princess Kunyi’s temperament is much softer than before, which means that she is quite satisfied with the current situation.
"It’s time for me to stay here for a long time, so don’t say goodbye. I’ll come to see you again if I have the chance." Although I don’t want to leave in such a hurry, there are still people waiting for me outside to take charge of the overall situation.
"The grave is not good, brother, you have suffered." Wen Xiaofeng got up and patted me on the shoulder. Wen Xiaofeng naturally knew that I had given my soul aura to Princess Kunyi, which means that I have prepared for the grave to accompany Wang Yanpei after one hundred years.
"Sister-in-law took good care of herself and went by the wind." I rushed Wen Xiaofeng and Princess Kunyi to say goodbye and waved them off.
Just want to ling suddenly remind of a turn around and pull WenXiaoFeng walk a few steps to ask a question that has been bothering me for a long time.
"Nonsense, I have a connection with that Unicorn Dan?" Wen Xiaofeng shouted and argued after hearing my question
"What have you done with that Dan?" I’m curious to ask
"Wei Yang suffered from severe centrifugal disease that year, and Nadan happened to be symptomatic," Wen Xiaofeng wrote in a bass novel.
I suddenly realized that nodding Wen Xiaofeng’s severe centrifugal disease is similar to the fact that the development of cardiac membrane is not fatal now. If it is not treated, it is difficult for patients to live beyond the age of 20. No wonder that Webster’s daughter is willing to raise her alone. In addition to being surprised by him, there are also gratitude factors.
After solving their doubts, they did not delay their farewell. They went back to the Taoist temple where the Three Sages lived, bowed down and said goodbye. Wen Xiaofeng was accompanied by the princess, so let him face the wall.
The reality of the Three Sages has been very indifferent to gathering and dispersion. Sitting in the futon, I raised my hand slightly to signal that I can leave.
I fell on my knees again and knocked at the ceremony for nine times, only to bend down and leave the instant technique in the courtyard.
I was so lucky to find that the sky was not bright. I frowned and hesitated for a moment, and once again made a dangerous decision. I’ll go to the Qin Emperor’s Mausoleum first while there is golden light to protect me …
Chapter 396 Overlooking the tomb
I thought that this instant technique was applied again and came to the entrance of the imperial tomb in a flash. At this time, it was just autumn, and the weeds outside the cave were still lush and knee-high. Although it was not yet bright, the wasps outside the cave were already flying around. This wasp can also see things at night. I knew this before, but I didn’t know that these wasps were so bold.
As soon as I appeared, the wasps noticed that I was hovering outside the hive, and then the big troops hid in the hive and the bees flew out of the hive like soldiers who blew the charge. The target was naturally me.
I was puzzled by this scene, but I didn’t escape immediately. After all, I am Jin Xianxiu. Even if I am Jin Xian for three days, I don’t believe these wasps dare to sting me.
After a few seconds, I finally believe that the dog biting Lv Dongbin may have really happened because these wasps really dared to sting me.
Raise my hand, and there will be a swarm of wasps, and then my anger will be slightly reduced. The beast has no wisdom and fear, and dares to touch me. My aura has been tempered by samadhi. With this aura, I can not only change my own form, but also change other things. It is easy to kill the wasps in this area.
After repeatedly destroying a large number of wasps, I moved ten miles by instant skill. What I wanted to avoid was not that I killed them myself, but that the crazy behavior of these wasps revived doubts in my mind. Although these wasps are violent by nature, they will not take the initiative to attack anyone unless the other side is in danger to their nests. But today, as soon as I appear, they flock to each other. There must be a reason for this.
It’s still okay to frown and ponder for a long time, but one thing I’m sure is that these wasps are crazy today, and it’s very likely that I have it now.
"Forget it, it’s better to do more than one thing." I shook my head and said to myself that the Qin Emperor’s Mausoleum is a dangerous place. Since there are many hornets at the door, it is estimated that other strange creatures in my grave will not buy my account. Because I have never been in the main tomb, I naturally can’t make teleport move myself in. If I want to enter it, I can break it one by one. Lv Chunyang gave me Penglai Jinzhi, which is for me to preach the Tao, but it is not for me to enter the tomb to break the array. As the saying goes, I have been trusted by the people,
However, Jin Xianxiu left this village for three days, but there is no such store. We must take this opportunity to know more about the imperial tomb.
I want to hold my hand here and watch the gas formula. In fact, the ordinary monks in Jinxian Avenue are different in aura. Jinxian Xiu does not affect my body magic. With Jinxian aura, I can see the situation of the imperial tomb directly, although I can’t say a list, I can vaguely see the general outline.
The situation of the mausoleum is completely different from what I expected. I used to think that the mausoleum was built in a straight line or in a zigzag shape, but now I know that the root is not like that. The tomb is round with a diameter of 32 miles. This Lao Li observed that the area of the mausoleum was roughly the same when the silver needle was fixed.
The whole imperial tomb is like a huge circular compass, which is divided into three circles. The outermost circle has twelve places with equal size, and each place is exactly the same size. Except for the ugly yin, there are abnormal animal smells in the other nine squares. Because the enclosure interferes with my method, I can judge the specific shapes and repair levels of those animals, but I can still observe them through such a thick enclosure, which means that the repair of these animals is equivalent to human purple gas. In addition, there are no animals in the first three squares, and what Lin Yicheng said earlier is also consistent. These three squares were broken by the monk of that year.
In the second circle, the atmosphere is relatively chaotic, and you can vaguely see that there is a lot of gold and silver jewelry in it. In my expectation, the Qin Dynasty unified the six countries, saying that the emperor declared the merits of heaven and earth, and the whole world would naturally move a lot of gold and silver into the grave, but it is unreasonable to have a pearl smell. You know, other jewelry except gold and silver will deteriorate and be damaged over time, especially pearls and night pearls, which will turn yellow and dim if they are not preserved for a hundred years. It is unreasonable and unreasonable to have a pearl smell here. There are two reasonable explanations. The first possibility is that the pearls in it are not ordinary things that can shine for thousands of years. Another possibility is that there are mysterious forces in the Qin Emperor’s Mausoleum that keep things alive. In my opinion, the second possibility is more likely, because after thousands of years, the animals in the Twelve Earthly Branches have not died naturally except for three people. This probability is very small, so I guess it is very likely that some mysterious force has extended their lives, but in any case, there is no doubt that the second one is a martyrdom.
The innermost compartment occupies the smallest area and can’t see the breath. This is because the entire Qin Emperor’s mausoleum is covered with the thickest part of the enclosure, and the surrounding area is getting weaker. The enclosure in the middle part is as thick as a kilometer. Even when the United States bombed the China Embassy in Yugoslavia, the laser-guided bomb could not penetrate, which naturally completely blocked my observation.
I tried everything, but I couldn’t see the breath in the middle. I can give up.
A general understanding of the structure and layout of the Qin Mausoleum not only did not increase my confidence, but made me frown. The construction of the Qin Mausoleum did not follow the unified tomb model. I can understand that this kind of circular tomb not only corresponds to the earthly branches, but also corresponds to the heavenly stems. The ancient people have always recognized that the circular tomb has a round place. The auxiliary structure of the twelve earthly branches just set off the true identity of the Qin Emperor dragon day, but this made it more difficult for me to explore the tomb later. Because this kind of structure has never appeared before, I have no experience to learn from. It is the first difficulty to know that entering the tomb is not just to break the array.
There is also the fact that the depth of the Qin Emperor Mausoleum is far beyond my expectation, and the light sealing soil at the thickest part is close to 1,000 meters, which means that we need to gradually attack the earth’s atmosphere. There is no doubt that there must be atmosphere because there are animals. That is to say, the Qin Emperor Mausoleum must have strict and secret ventilation devices, but only atmosphere is not enough. When we were in special forces, we once received a sealed environment test, that is, we put a person in an extremely quiet and dark environment to observe what he can stand, so as to judge his psychological quality. Whether they can adapt to the implementation of some special things, many people are brushed off and returned to the ordinary army because of their poor psychological quality. After staying in that repressive environment for more than ten minutes, they rang the bell and asked to go out. I think these are because the Qin Emperor Mausoleum is located deep in the ground, and King Kong Gun and I can adapt to that repressive environment, but it is difficult for Lin Yicheng and others to adapt to it. In case of rational collapse, making crazy moves may drag us down and hurt us.
I didn’t think too much about the restriction in half a month, because I and King Kong Gun were not affected by this. At that time, I will make it clear to Lin Yicheng that if he goes his own way, I don’t care if he is dead or alive.
I stayed for a moment again until the sky was completely bright, and I took back my thoughts. At this time, it was almost seven o’clock. The King Kong cannon and others should have got up long ago and I would be very anxious if I couldn’t find it.
Even so, I didn’t go back immediately, but made a round trip from Ziyang Temple and Kunlun Mountain, and once again made the Golden Fairy spell on the Avenue seek personal gain. I have to seek this personal gain, even if I wait for it after joy, I will still do it because I miss it so much.

"What did the predecessors say is the super world?"

Sumo asked
Lu Yun explained, "In the world of thousands of years, the interface is strong, and the region is not big. If there are more than ten emperors, they will belong to the super world!"
"Like heaven, our sword, dragon, light, wilderness and some other ancient interfaces are among them."
"If the emperor strong more than a statue of less than ten can be regarded as a higher interface; If there is a statue of emperor, it can be called a medium interface. "
"Of course, there are some interfaces that have little emperor, the strong are sitting on the low side of the overall strength, and these are low-level interfaces."
After a pause, Lu Yun added, "Su Zhuyou, please go to Wan Jian Palace with us."
"Wan Jian Palace?"
Su Mo hesitated. "There is the core of the sword world. Only a true brother in the sword world can go to me. After all, I am an outsider …"
Juejian Fengfeng said with a smile, "You have the blood of violet and realized that Zhu Xianjian is not an outsider in any way."
"What are you doing at Wan Jian Palace?"
Su mo asked again
Lu Yundao: "Your understanding of Zhu Xianjian is enough to prove that you are talented in kendo. Beiming Snow is realizing it in front of the sword tablet in Wan Jian Palace. Let’s go and have a look together."
Chapter two thousand seven hundred and sixty-six He Jian Dian
Pick the sword tablet!
Sumo’s face was surprised
I learned from Beiming Snow that the tablet of the sword was engraved with the secret code of taboo in the sword world.
Northern Ghost Snow and other talents were not qualified to go to Wan Jian Palace to understand the "Da Luo Jian Dian" before they became real brothers.
And he is an outsider to the sword world.
So far, he has not shown his intention to join the sword world.
Su Mo’s eyes turned to look at several other peak owners.
It is not surprising that several other peak owners seem to have known this decision for a long time.
Actually, the main level of Dafeng can’t be the master of this matter.
Just after Lu Yun knew that Su Mo had an accident violet, he told the sword emperor in Wan Jian Palace.
It wasn’t long before the news came out of Wan Jian Palace that Lu Yun and others took Su Mo directly to Wan Jian Palace to realize the pick sword tablet.
Sirs in the sword world have a simple view of Su Mo. It would be best if Su Mo could join the sword world.
If you can’t join the sword world, you will try your best to protect him.
It is also a good karma for Su Mo to make Su Mo understand the pick sword tablet.
What are the eyes of many sword emperors?
They assume that there will be a seat for Su Mo among the strong in the future!
Su Mo thoughtfully promised to come soon.
No one will not be tempted by the taboo secret of the pick sword tablet!
What’s more, when Violet was promoted to twelve, she derived an extremely sharp-edged Qingping sword.
If we can understand something in front of the pick sword tablet, his fighting power with green ping sword will also rise to a higher level!
Moreover, he is also the master of North Ghost Snow.
If teaching martial arts is not enough, it will be of great benefit to North Ghost Snow if you can show it in kendo.
Lord Dafeng took Su Mo to slaughter Jianfeng and sent him directly to Wan Jian Palace.
Just arrived here, Su Mo felt that the big sword peak was different here.
The firm but gentle here is richer and more violent.
It is difficult to gain a foothold in Wan Jian Palace unless the realm of cultivation is achieved.
The territory of Wan Jian Palace is much smaller than the mainland where Dajianfeng is located.
It is composed of tens of thousands of huge palaces, covering thousands of miles, five steps on the first floor, ten steps and one pavilion, which is spectacular from a height.
There are new and old in this huge palace group.

Li Suiyun shook his head and smiled. "Brother, your opinion is different, but so is natural selection of the fittest. I don’t want to restrict people’s thoughts. After all, my opinion is not necessarily correct. Besides, absolute benefits will be absolutely corrupt. If there is no threat from other sects, my cousins will be corrupted for generations."

Yuan listened thoughtfully, and he had to admit that Li Suiyun’s concerns were indeed reasonable, but to his surprise, Li Suiyun had such courage to continue the tradition of purity and courage to do so, but he risked cutting off the tradition
Li Suiyun saw Yuan thoughtfully for silence but laughed. "Brother, what are you hesitating about? Is it really necessary to let western religion enlighten our eastern natives? "
Yuan looked up at Li Suiyun, and there was a flash of enlightenment in his eyes. Although there were many disciples in the floating cloud island, although they were hurt in the second war, they were far better than explaining the teachings. There were only 20 people who could be sent to the Taoist temple, and there were at least hundreds in the floating cloud island. Besides, they also had the support of the inflammatory tribe
This empty Taoist is also cunning, but on the surface, it is so generous. In fact, it still takes a big advantage, blocks its mouth and pulls itself against the western teaching chariot. The empty end is a good calculation, and it’s really a loss.
He looks like Li Suiyun, but he reveals a smile. There is no irony in this smile, but admiration is admiration, and it is a confidant smile.
Li Suiyun also smiled. He knew that his mind could not hide from Yuan. Similarly, he also knew that Yuan would not refuse to discuss with himself. They and the four theories of Lao and Tong Tian are all sects of doors. No matter how they fight, this East is still the East of Doors. But if they come in with Western teachings, it will change their taste. In case they replace the position of Doors …
Yuan drank a glass of jade liquid lightly and nodded, "Teacher younger brother, although I made a small mistake on the floating cloud island that day, fortunately, it didn’t cause a big disaster. Please don’t take it for granted that my door is as big as a terran thing, but I need to run around with my teacher younger brother." But he revealed the meaning of resolving the cause and effect.
Li Suiyun saw that Yuan said that he was in a hurry to leave the table and immediately saluted, "Where did Brother say that? Was it just my brother’s fault that I lost everything that day? "
Yuan nodded slightly after listening, but the Taoist priest was not the kind of unreasonable person. He thought that he had pushed himself too far to lead to the immortal ending. Thought of this, he also felt at ease to speak freely.
Li Suiyun finally settled the yuan, but it was also a lot easier. It can be said that it was his biggest resistance. Once it passed the yuan, it was natural for the old side to come to heaven. He didn’t go to him for fear that he would have to come to himself.
Li Suiyun wanted to leave his eyes, but there was a strange color in his eyes. However, he concealed it well and was not found by Yuan, but he changed his expression and respected it a lot. He told Yuan Tao
"Brother, you also know that I have offended a little too much. If I come forward, it’s nothing too big. It’s better for you to come forward. You and the elder brother are highly respected and cultivated. Although I am not weaker than you, I have a place name … it still needs your presiding."
Yuan is eager to hear Li Suiyun say this, but he doesn’t refuse to nod. "In that case, I’ll ask the elder brother to discuss this opportunity with the elder brother. I won’t refuse the opportunity from Brother Tongtian, but it will make you feel better."
Li Suiyun smiled and nodded, "Brother, I am sure I will go." Say goodbye and leave.
Yuan Zhi sent Li Suiyun out of the palace until he couldn’t see his shadow. He couldn’t turn around for a few steps, but he woke up again. This Taoist priest has always been aloof and suddenly so disguised? He has reached a common ground with himself. Why did he want to discuss with the old man again?
Yuan is always a fine figure. He quickly strolled a few steps, but he also stamped his feet with a wrinkly eyebrows. "I am confused and I was calculated by him. This emptiness is also hateful." Although his mouth is so said, there is no trace of anger.
When the crane boy was at his side, he immediately said, "Teacher’s uncle Qing Xu has done something again. Do you think he calculated it?"
Yuan shook his head and smiled gently. "He refused to be an early bird. Let my Lord promote the doorway. I am not bad at teaching in the West. That Nu Wa is also very respectful to me. I don’t want to turn against this matter. Even if he turns against me, he can hide in the back, but he is cunning and cheap."
After hearing this, Bai Hetong changed his face and said with surprise, "Since the teacher has calculated you like this, what should you do now?"
Yuan laughed. "It’s not a bad thing. It makes me secretly say that he is not as good as I want to come to the floating cloud island. Although he won the World War I, he was also weakened. Now he can’t do his best to get back to the past, but now he is also humble. If I make this happen, I will be the protagonist. So it is worthwhile for Western religion and Nuwa to make noise."
Hearing this, Bai Hetong frowned and immediately said, "The teacher is always strong and upright. How can he suddenly become so easy-going? Is he really willing to worship the wind?"
Yuan magnified and laughed. "A strong man can’t fight against our group of saints by himself. He has probably matured a lot, otherwise he won’t do it like before. If he can find the right person in the Terran for three thousand years, it will be when our door is in disaster, but he has given up such an opportunity, which shows his sincerity."
The crane boy nodded slightly to see the reality, but he also wondered in his heart, is that tradition really that important to saints?
Li Suiyun left Yuxiu Palace but went straight to Biyou Palace to discuss with Tongtian. As expected, Tongtian was spotted and never refused to come directly.
In his view, the four religions do not intervene in the world of mortals by virtue of their doorways, so it’s not a bad thing that his many cousins account for a great deal of money. What’s worse, Li Suiyun has already accounted for half of the Terran, but now it’s a pity to invite him to share the benefits if he doesn’t.
In order to show sincerity to each other, but to think about it, Li Suiyun and Li Suiyun jointly said that they were declined by Li Suiyun. Although they did not reach any Covenant, they were much closer to each other.
The East Earth Gate reached a consensus to spread the East Earth Daoism in the whole life. The two women, Nu Wa and Fuxi, were still in the dark and didn’t know that the Terran was about to be carved up.
Chapter 14 The interests are equally divided and considered
Li Suiyun went back to the floating cloud island-this island is different from the day before, but it has changed since the Fifth Jihad, and its appearance is several times stronger than before.
Although the number of people is less than before, the personnel are more refined and the heart is more than before. Most of them are practicing the advanced floating cloud island array, and there have been new changes. These people are tall but can control several small islands by one person. The array of Pangu, the winner of the island, is full of splendor, but the island is covered up. It is hard to say that even a man is a fly and it is as tight as a war.
Li Suiyun nodded his head when he saw the scenery of the mountain field. Although such defense may not be able to prevent saints, it is not easy for saints to break through.
When the island soldiers saw Li Suiyun, they hurried forward to welcome him to the island one by one.
Li Suiyun immediately went into the hall and sat on the cloud bed. Naturally, someone sent rare fruits.
Door a few uniting the younger brother gathered in a polite aside, one by one else like a sculpture waiting for his command.
Li Suiyun saw that his younger brother nodded so slightly, but added, "phase liu was seriously injured and he was there? You can bring him in. "
Several children immediately back out and then put the phase liu carried will come in gently on the ground.
Li Suiyun glanced at it, but he saw it clearly. This phase liu was also seriously injured, but his bones were broken. Although he was treated by a miraculous cure from the floating cloud island, Nu Wa obviously used what means, but the medicine was not as big as him.
Kong Xuan saw phase liu’s appearance. Although it was no longer the same as when he was impulsive, it was much better than when he was at the beginning. But at this time, he still looked like Li Suiyun, who could not bear his anger. "Master’s Nu Wa bullied me so much. I really hate it if we can’t hold back, even if heaven and man have to make fun of me."
Li Suiyun also ignored his younger brother’s anger, but glanced at him before walking. phase liu sneered slightly, but he made his younger brother take a sip of water and then sprayed it. In the past, phase liu felt cool and refreshing all over, just like drinking ice water in the dog days, so he solved the spell. He immediately ordered his younger brother to take phase liu to go to good health.
At that time, Shang Yang, Xuan Bee and Rain Master were in the side, and Li Suiyun had something to say in his heart, but he ordered the door to receive the specifications just like phase liu Xingtian.